With layers of blended British wool and viscose, Yorkshire wool, British wool, crisp cooling cotton and Sustainable Ecotex. The Valient Enhancer features 5000 HD Micro Springs, while the Valient Support Mattress features 3000 Cortec™ Quad Revolution® and HD Micro Springs. Both with an in-house woven FR chemical treatment free mattress cover. The Valient Support Mattress is turn free for your convenience while the Valient Enhancer is Seasonal Turn with a Warm side for the colder months and a Cooler side for the warmer months.
Prices start at £1199 for a Single Mattress
Displayed in store as a King: £1749
Please enquire online or in store for seasonal prices, special promotions and sizes
Component Details: Cortec™ Quad Revolution® Springs, HD 2500 Micro Springs, HD 2000 Micro Springs, British Wool & Viscose Blend, Yorkshire Wool, British Wool, Natural Cotton, Sustainable Ecotex. FR Chemical Treatment Free Wool Viscose Cover.
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