With layers of blended British wool and viscose, crisp cooling cotton, British wool, a British wool and mohair blend and Sustainable Ecotex. The Odyssey features 13500 Cortec™ Quad Revolution®, Posturfil Pocket, Microlution Airflow and HD Micro Springs. With an in-house woven FR chemical free mattress cover and four rows of side stitching, this mattress is turn free for your convenience. Choose from our three levels of support; gentle, medium or firm.
Prices start at £1299 for a Single Mattress
Displayed in store as a Superking: £2499
Please enquire online or in store for seasonal prices, special promotions and sizes
Component Details: Cortec™ Quad Revolution® Springs, Microlution Airflow Springs, HD 4000 Micro Springs, HD 2500 Micro Springs, Posturfil Pocket Springs, British Wool & Viscose Blend, British Wool, British Wool & Mohair Blend, Natural Cotton, Sustainable Ecotex. FR Chemical Free Wool Viscose Cover.
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